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Quick Rundown

Name: Otonoshin (音之進)
音 - Sound
之 - Of
進 - Progress
A powerful name, fitting for him.
Last name: Koito (鯉登)
鯉 - Carp (Koi)
登 - Ascend, Climb up
As Koi fish are lively and energetic, this last name might be referring to their nature.
Sex: Male
Birthday: 23/12/1886, making him 21 in 1907
Ethnicity: Hayato

He originally speaks in the Satsuma dialect, probably having learned standard japanese later on. His dialect blurts out when he's nervous or angry.

Position, Uniform and Equipment

Regiment: 27th
Division: 7th
Uniform: Meiji 38

Gun: Type 26 revolver

Sword: Mumei variant of the Kyu-Gunto sabre issued to field officers.

Who is Koito Otonoshin?

Koito Otonoshin is the Second Lieutenant (少尉 - Shōi) of the 7th Division and an underling of Tokushiro Tsurumi. He later becomes Lieutenant General (中将 - Chūjō) of the 7th Division, as his last commander.
He is an eccentric and talented young man with a temper who can act professionally (if not taunted). He's intelligent and quick to act, appearing respectful and pragmatic. He's also quite naive and childish in a certain way, loyally following Tsurumi's orders and clinging onto him at every opportunity, incessantly adoring him for the most part until his faith is challenged by the dubious motivation behind Tsurumi's chase for the gold, feeling betrayed when it seemed as if he was doing it for a personal cause rather than the good of the military. Otonoshin wishes to excel as an officer and be respected, he is the pampered son of a navy man, growing in an environment that seemingly raised him to succeed and therefore making it appear as if he had not worked hard for his position among his colleagues. Especially considering how he did not fight in the russo-japanese war unlike the rest of the 7th division. Truth is, he is a hard-working man, having an impressive set of skills that take a lot of time to master such as Jigen-Ryu, acrobatics, and running faster than the average. He's shown to doubt himself sometimes because of the "spoiled brat" title attributed to him, but he proves himself incredibly well and builds up enough confidence to keep going, focused on one point, disregarding what others say.